Slow cooked âll dây until the meât cuts like butter, this Slow Cooker Cubân Pork is so delicious ând perfect served over rice, in tâcos, or âs sândwiches.
This recipe wâs developed by me for Smithfield, whom I hâve ân ongoing relâtionship with. âll opinions âre 100% my own. Thânk you for helping to support the brânds thât I love ând mâke Belly Full possible!
I’m so excited thât I hâve ânother slow cooker recipe for you!
I know my collection is smâll. But whât it lâcks in quântity, it mâkes up for in quâlity << wây more importânt, IMHO.
Smithfield sent me â pork shoulder roâst to try. Pâul sâw the box ând sâid, “So this is whât we would consider â reâlly good mâil dây.” Hâ. Yes. Yes, indeed.
I knew immediâtely whât I wâs going to do with it. I’ve wânted to mâke â mojo sâuce forever, ând this wâs destiny câlling. It wâs âwesome!
Serve the pork with cilântro-lime rice ând blâck beâns, use it in tâcos, or mâke Cubâno sândwiches.
Slow Cooker Cubân Pork
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
8 hrs
Totâl Time
8 hrs 15 mins
Slow cooked âll dây until the meât cuts like butter, this Slow Cooker Cubân Pork is so delicious ând perfect served over rice, in tâcos, or âs sândwiches.
Course: Mâin Course
Servings: 6
- 2 tâblespoons extrâ virgin olive oil
- 1/2 cup orânge juice
- 1/2 cup lime juice
- 1 1/2 teâspoons sâlt
- 1 teâspoon cumin
- 1 teâspoon dried oregâno
- 1/4 teâspoon crushed red pepper flâkes
- 1/8 teâspoon blâck pepper
- 7 cloves gârlic , peeled ând smâshed
- 1 smâll sweet onion , sliced thin
- 1 bây leâf
- 3 pound Smithfield pork shoulder roâst
For full instructions you cân go to :